Nikolay Raihel
I believe that the Earth is flora's and fauna's basecamp to explore Fog of space
reference to Warcraft® and Alfred's Wegener's concept of Pangea

Computer fueled
Human history is a backlog of hypotheses we should look upon.
reference to Manifesto for Agile Software Development
Nikolay Raihel
My expertise:
1. Создание концепций продуктов и запуск MVP.
2. Генерирование и проверка продуктовых гипотез.
4. Разработка дизайна и UI/UX полного цикла.
5. Управление каналами привлечения и продаж.
6. Контроль P&L с позитивной юнит-экономикой.
7. Масштабирование продукта.
Story of the career
Jun 2021 - Sep 2021
Product manager, Project job

* Defended the 'As is - To be' strategy for the 'Suburban Internet' product to the stakeholders.
* Monitored key metrics and conversions on a daily and weekly basis to quickly spot anomalies and localize problems.
* Distributed revenue from the user cohorts attracted by month.
* Formulated a new positioning for the 'Suburban Internet' product to convert into an intangible asset.
* Identified emergency cases in CJM for the Russian regions.
* Launched a partnership with a construction business to promote the 'Smart Home' product.,
* Made SEO traffic an operational resource by proposing a new website architecture.
* Launched 15+ additional advertising channels based on BigData.

Jun 2021 - Jul 2021
Product manager, Project job
* Formulated service positioning:
* Worked on web resources from UX/UI prototype to their launch
Jul 2020 - Jul 2021
Product manager

* Visual style revision.
* Conducted Customer Development with team leaders of bank loyalty programs.
* Implemented 5 hypotheses worth 4 million rubles.
* Attracted more than 30 clients from large enterprises.
* Provided PR in Retail Finance and Forbes.
* Revised the company's services and marketing kit based on qualitative and quantitative research of bank loyalty programs.
* Became a finalist for the Moscow Accelerator and participated in Sber500 for media coverage of the company and attracting potential clients.
Feb 2020 - Jun 2020
Performance marketing manager

* Identified and monitored paid channels for promotion. Increased the monthly coverage and the number of applications. 450 applications with 5 rubles CPL.
* Created and managed all digital campaigns: PPC, targeting and impressions on social platforms.
* Created CJM and formulated hypotheses from customer journey analysis.
* Provided performance metrics on a weekly and monthly basis.

Interior design project
Jan 2020 - Feb 2020
Apr 2019 - May 2020
Product manager

* Increased targeted traffic, leads, and purchases by 40% per month through ad optimization and work with CFO and CTO.
* Created a media plan for social media. Worked with content for posts. Increased the level of user engagement by 32% and the number of leads from SMM by 18%.
* Revised the company's product with a new benefit for a certain client. It increased product sales from the first day of new house presentation.
* Formulated a monthly promotional plan and sales plan.
* Formulated CJM and 1-3-6 month strategies.
* Introduced the Jobs To Be Done approach. The company received the first place in the "Customer Centricity and Openness" rating among companies that build Fachwerk in Russia.
* Automated communication between departments, which reduced time costs and increased daily customer flow.
* Taught the sales department about Customer Development and sorts of promotion for them to understand resources of the internet traffic. Built communication within the sales department.
Feb 2018 - Apr 2019
Chief Marketing Officer

* Created a startup of co-founders. Helped to attract 16.5 million of rubles in Pre-Seed and Seed rounds from the IIDF.
* Conducted Customer Development with more than 30 hypotheses based on Unit Economincs.
* Formulated technical requirements for programmers to start development of the aggregator. Led the product backlog as well as implemented the Agile methodology into the workflow.
* Built the marketing and sales department from scratch. Created internet advertising both myself and with the help of marketing team.
* Formulated the product's target audience and segmented it.
* Managed user experience and offline sales.
* Trained by FRII experts. This increased the number of weekly hypotheses.
Jun 2017 - Sep 2018
Marketing manager

* Created contextual advertising, targeting, SEO. Increased lead generation to 60 leads per day with the same budget.
* Managed SMM. Created unique content, increased targeted followers to 1000+ and increased user engagement on posts. Groups generated free leads.
* Produced logistics YouTube channel. Created targeted content for external and internal use. Channel generated free leads.
* Worked on HR marketing and SERM.
* Created collaborative promotions to increase leads and produce videos for YouTube.
* Optimized the CRM system. It reduced loss of incoming leads and increased NPS.
* Worked on a cold call script for the sales department. Sales conversion increased by 30%.
* Developed regulations for all service processes and made a training program for new employees. This solution reduced the delivery time to 1 day instead of 3-5 days.
* Recruited personally over 30 unique clients and re-established relationships with several major clients.
* Made the company a MaxConference resident speaker, which increased brand awareness and loyalty.
Nov 2016 - May 2017
Product manager

* Processed the incoming flow of regular customers.
* Analyzed user and partner needs. Formulated insights tp test UX-hypotheses.
* Optimized existing product features and launched new ones from scratch.
* Performed UX/UI design.
* Conducted qualitative and quantitative research.
Sep 2011 - Dec 2020
Graphic designer

* Compiled technical assignments for designers working on animations.
* Found and processed, in a short period of time, a large number of graphics for the news.
* Worked in an Adobe graphics package (Photoshop, Illustrator).
* Did lettering for news topics.
* Found and promptly translated video or text content from foreign news resources.
tg: @nraihel
+7 999 966 83 53

That's all Folks